Motivational tips are something we all turn to from time to time, to help us push through the day.
For entrepreneurs, especially those who are just starting out and facing challenges and roadblocks, staying motivated is crucial.
Sometimes, you just wake up and don’t feel like leaving the bed, let alone putting in the 8-hour long daily grind.
Or you just feel lazy and would rather sit on your living room couch, watching your favorite show all day.
Then, later that night, your consciousness starts creeping in and you slowly start feeling awful for wasting an entire day. You start thinking about all the different things you could have done and tasks you could have accomplished.
We’ve all had this happen before… The question is, is there anything we can do to prevent it?
What’s the best way to keep yourself motivated and to get stuff done, even when you’re feeling super-lazy?
There are tons of motivational tips for entrepreneurs out there…
In this article, I want to share are a few that have work best for me, and will hopefully help you stay on top of your game, as well.
9 Motivational Tips For Entrepreneurs:
Make a Clear, Actionable Plan
Nothing makes you feel quite as unmotivated as not having a clear plan to follow in your personal and professional life. If you don’t have one already, or have a plan you consider isn’t very good – get to work today.
Think about where you want to be in the future, both in your business and in your life. Then, think of the steps you need to take to get there. Write down your short-term and long-term goals.
This way, you’ll have a much clearer picture and a better understanding of what you want to accomplish in the future, and how you’re going to accomplish it.
Keep in mind that this plan isn’t set in stone. Circumstances will inevitably change, both in business and life. Still, you can use this plan as a framework for the positive actions you need to take to achieve your goals.
Just Do It
It’s much easier to convince ourselves to complete a certain task once we have already done some work on it, then it is to actually start it.
So, as Shia LaBeouf would say: “Just do it!”
Stop trying to delay everything. Instead, force yourself to take the first step.
For example, let’s say you have to send out a bunch of business emails today. Stop telling yourself that there’s still plenty of time left… Instead, start the task immediately by writing a single sentence of the first email.
A great way to motivate yourself at the start of each day is by creating a morning routine. It should be something that will help jumpstart your mind and body and help you stay alert and focused.
For example, you could review your plan for the day. Go through your daily tasks, and think about how what you’re going to accomplish today contributes to your goal.
Remind Yourself Why
When in doubt, take a moment and ask yourself what made you want to set a certain professional or personal goal in the first place.
Go over the mission you set in front of yourself. List all the reasons for completing both short-term and long-term goals. Go over all the benefits you’ll receive from achieving each one.
Motivation takes consistent effort. You have to make a habit of reminding yourself what you’re working towards and why.
My suggestion is to write it down and keep it somewhere within your eyesight, or even read it out loud every day or whenever you feel you’re losing motivation.
Keep Track of Your Progress
Compared to how far you have to go to reach the end-goal, the things you’ve already accomplished so far might seem less significant than they actually are.
Also, you’re more likely to overlook certain accomplishments, if you’re only focused on how much work is still left.
That’s why I firmly believe tracking your progress is extremely beneficial. It can be a quick reminder of all your wins, and trust me – no win is too small.
Once you begin tracking your progress, you can always take a look at your track record to get that huge motivational boost.
Reward Yourself
It’s scientifically proven that we react positively to incentives. So, a good strategy to stay motivated is to treat yourself whenever you accomplish a certain goal or maintain a good habit.
For small victories, reward yourself with something simple like a meal you enjoy or a 15-minute break.
For accomplishing a bigger goal or reaching a certain milestone, take a vacation instead. You deserve it!
If you need extra motivation, you can always measure your daily performance. Reward yourself whenever you have an extra productive day to keep your spirits high.
Surround Yourself with The Right People
It’s easy to lose motivation if you constantly hang around negative people.
On the other hand, having positive, motivated, and hard-working individuals around you will undoubtedly have a strong positive effect on you.
You will feel encouraged and inspired by others and eager to get the work done. Or, you’ll feel extremely guilty being the only one slacking off and procrastinating.
Either way, you’re much more likely to stay motivated around positive, energetic people. Their good work ethic and healthy habits will positively reflect on your life and business.
Find a Motivational Partner
Get a friend to motivate you when you’re feeling particularly lazy and unproductive.
This works both for business-related goals, as well as something like losing weight or exercising. Share your goal with a friend and have them share their goal with you.
Make a commitment that you’ll do something, and come up with a time frame.
It’s easy to give up on something midway through, or put it off, if you only have to convince yourself.
Once you’ve announced your goals to a friend or colleague, there’s a much higher chance that you’ll do everything in your power to make it happen. You’ll want to own up to your word, and avoid disappointing them.
Make Time For Yourself
We often get so caught up with work that we forget to take time out of the day for ourselves.
In order to stay focused and motivated, it’s important to take some time to unwind and relax.
Sometimes, it might seem the only way to get anything done is to work for 10 or 12 hours straight. Still, you need to take time to recharge your batteries in order to stay productive.
Despite how much work there is ahead, making sure that you have a proper meal and stay hydrated is crucial if you want to remain focused throughout the day.
Get A Good Night’s Rest
When we’re tired, we naturally feel like we need to put in extra effort to get something done. So, a good night’s rest (preferably 8 hours of sleep) is pretty much mandatory to keep your motivation at its highest.
Sometimes, you might feel like you absolutely have to finish a task that day. In my opinion, it’s never worth losing sleep over it.
You’re stealing time from yourself, and risking drastically dropping productivity the following day.
Starting out fresh in the morning is a far better choice. You’ll find that tasks are much easier to complete at the start of the day, compared to staying after hours to finish them.
Have a few tips of your own you’d like to share? Let me know on Facebook or Twitter, I’d love to hear them!
P.S. Are you looking for ways to boost the performance of your business, attract more customers, and grow your monthly income?
Then I’ll be more than I’m more than happy to help! I’m willing to share my knowledge and expertise and help you create a powerful marketing strategy and a high-converting sales funnel that will kickstart your income.
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Shaqir Hussyin 🙂
About The Author
Your Millionaire Mentor
Shaqir Hussyin
Shaqir Hussyin is the founder and CEO of & Nicknamed the “Backpack Millionaire”, he’s invested $350,000 into his own education and training. Whilst traveling to 100+ countries, Shaqir has built over 10+ million dollar brands and attracted over 500,000+ subscribers.
His signature program is now available: Max Income System; 14 Simple Steps To Making Your First Income Online.
Shaqir is also a highly sought-after speaker and direct response “Sales Funnels” global leader. Shaqir’s work has impacted over 100,000 businesses in 65 different countries. Connect with Shaqir on Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn & FB Group.