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Business Growth Strategy For Small Businesses

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David Sharpe shares is business growth strategy with us. He used his growth strategy to come back from rock bottom to rise up to become a hugely successful entrepreneur. He has developed and refined his business growth strategy by building 3 million-dollar businesses and over $160 million.

david sharpe, david sharpe legendary marketing, david sharpe net worth, david sharpe entrepreneur, david sharpe forbesI believe that David’s story should serve as an inspiration to aspiring marketers and entrepreneurs all over the world. He literally started from nothing, and managed to climb up to the very top.

David Sharpe dropped out of 9th grade, became a father at 16, and dealt with homelessness and near deadly drug addiction. Yet, he managed to completely turn his life around and build his online empire from scratch.

That really goes to show you that nothing is impossible, if you set your mind to it. And, it also demonstrates that literally anyone, regardless of their background and their past, can become successful, if they’re determined enough.

You have to admit that what David Sharpe accomplished is truly impressive. Ever since he got his life back on track, he’s been driven by the desire to help others.

He has dedicated the last several years to training entrepreneurs and dedicated individuals on the most powerful marketing strategies, and ways to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. 

5 Most Fastest Business Growth Strategy To Manage And Grow Any Small Business Or Franchise.

1. Strategy To Grow In Sales And Marketing.

Sales and marketing is a dance between love & hate; pain and pleasure; desire & fear. There’s this inherent duality that’s always present in marketing.

And those who understand it and incorporate both sides of the spectrum in their message… They have the power to convince their customers to say YES to something that will change their life.

That’s what I believe business should really be about. Not selling products or making a ton of money. But rather, providing real solutions to real people, that will help them change their life and/or business for the better.

So, how do you ‘properly’ execute sales and marketing, to ensure your message has this kind of impact on your target audience?

How do you craft a massage that is sexy, feels good, and ends up in a purchase?

You need to play that delicate dance between love & hate; pain & pleasure; desire & fear.

Marketingexperments lay it out pretty simple in this diagram below. It shows you how you can improve your marketing strategy to increase your sales in your funnel.

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Now, here’s what that means in practice.

Instead of just focusing on the good your products can do for them, you also need to highlight the problems, pain points, and the negative consequences in your copy.

Talk about how their life will look like once they overcome the problem. How they would feel when they achieve their goal. Help them envision their dream lifestyle. This technique is also called future pacing.

However, at the same time, stress out the negatives about their current situation.

Let’s say you’re selling a weigh loss product. Talk about the negative impact their unhealthy habits have on their health and well-being.

Mention the risk of disease. Talk about the negative impact their body image has on their confidence.

Essentially, the negative aspect should urge them to find a solution for the situation they’re in.

Simultaneously, listing the positives should convince them to purchase YOUR solution, rather than those of your competitors.

Consistency is what makes or breaks a business.

2. Strategic Planning, Scheduling And Being Consistent. 

You can have a $100,000 payday, but if you don’t have a consistent income stream, you’ll go broke – sooner or later.

And the best way to implement consistency is by creating and following a schedule.

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A good schedule helps you stay organized, focused, and productive.

It ensures that all the important tasks remain top of mind, and that you always know what to put your attention towards.

Having a schedule will also help you gradually build a routine. So, you won’t waste time trying to figure out how to juggle a dozen different responsibilities.

Below you can clearly see a diagram example of your content marketing strategy. These are the planned out steps you can easily monitor and optimize to produce amazing content at an optimum level.

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Having a well thought-out ‘plan of attack’ will help you make the most out of every second.

But it doesn’t end here. As i sad before, in order for a business to be profitable, it needs to be stable. Having a stable foundation in a process can make or break the flow of your business productivity.

(NOTE: Need a helping hand building a growth strategy for your business? Or maybe you just want proven, actionable marketing tools, tactics, and templates to implement in your business? Check out the latest deal from WealthAcademy, and you will be on your way to helping your business grow.)

3. Stability Strategy and Planning Example

Although you might not realize it, you’re wasting a TON of money by failing to prepare.

Even seemingly small things, like what you’re having for lunch today, can add up to be a huge expense over time.

Did you know that David Sharpe always packs his lunch? It might seem like too big of a hassle, since he’s only saving a few dollars each day.

But, that quickly adds up to $100, $1,000 and more. See where I’m going with this?

Being prepared literally pays off. 

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This is true for your business, as well. It’s always at least twice as expensive when you need to figure something out on the fly.

What it comes down to is that you should never put all your eggs in one basket. 

If you only have a single plan, and it doesn’t work out – what then? You’ll have to come up with a new one on the stop.

And since you’ll be pressured by time, chances are the new plan will be flawed as well. Even more money down the drain…

If you only have a single product launch planned, and it turns out to be a total flop – are you just going to call it quits?

Abandon your business and everything you’ve worked for?

That’s why you need to prepare – and you need to prepare in bulks.

Always have several plans and solutions for every possible scenario.

It’s the only way to guarantee the success and longevity of your business.

4. Strategy To Eliminate Or Manage Non-Urgent Tasks For Business Growth 

When running a business, you’ll often have a ton of tasks on your hands, and not enough time to complete them all.

Instead of succumbing to that feeling of being overwhelmed, learn how to prioritize.

Focus on the urgent tasks first – the ones that absolutely have to be finished NOW.

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And always stay fully dedicated to one task at a time. That’s the only way to ensure maximum productivity.

Try to eliminate any and all distractions, and eliminate non urgent tasks. Or better yet automate them to later delegate.

The thing is, we don’t even realize how much time we waste on insignificant things.

I remember David Sharpe telling me this: “I wear a black shirt every day”.

Without context, it might seem like a weird and random statement. But, when you take time into account, the meaning becomes obvious.

He doesn’t concern himself with stuff like what he’s going to wear to work every day. In fact, he entirely eliminated this task from his daily schedule.

Instead, he just picks up one of his black shirts, and gets to work on important matters.

So, be mindful of how much time you’re spending on insignificant and secondary tasks.

Do the most important work first, and only then dedicate your attention to everything else on the list.

(RELATED: 9 Motivational Tips For Entrepreneurs To Help You Stay On Top Of Your Game)

5. Building Your Growth Strategy Framework

One of the most common mistakes new entrepreneurs make is believing they can do everything by themselves.

However, they all quickly realize that building and running a business requires a lot more time and effort than they imagined.

First, there are dozens of different areas you need be proficient in.

Secondly, even if you take the time to learn coding, copywriting, design, and so on… There’s only so much you can do alone in a day.

Not to say that it’s impossible… It just takes a TON of time.

And if you want to go big and start earning 5, 6, or even 7 figures online, doing it alone is a sub-optimal approach, to say the least.

When you look at some of the most successful online entrepreneurs of today, it may seem like they’ve done it all by themselves.

But, knowing the majority of them personally, and from my own experience – I can confidently state that that’s not the case.

Most of them have teams of 10, 15, 30 people behind the curtain. And that is the #1 key to success, according to David Sharpe!

If you want to make it big, you need to assemble a great team. Such a team is structured in the following manner, diagram designed by brandlab:business strategy,growth strategy framework,business growth strategies ppt,business growth strategies pdf,franchising as a small business growth strategy,growth strategy ppt,managing business growth strategy,what are the four major growth strategies

This means bringing together a group of motivated, talented, hard-working people.

All experts in their field – who share your ideas and core values, and are willing to support the company’s vision and mission.

If you manage to do that, your business will grow 10 times as fast.

My Conclusion And Bonus Growth Strategy Consulting

There you have it – the 5 most powerful business growth strategy I learn from Dave Sharpe.

I hope you found them useful, and that this article and David’s story has inspired you to go out there and start working on making your dream a reality.

Which of Sharpe’s business growth strategy did you find more interesting?

Let me know in the comments below!

I can even expand some of those strategies in a different post you want me too.

Also you want my 1:1 help? You can Claim your FREE 30 minute strategy session and let us help you grow your business – Click here to book now!

You never know where you might be at this very moment next year.

About The Author

Your Millionaire Mentor
Shaqir Hussyin

Shaqir Hussyin is the founder and CEO of & Nicknamed the “Backpack Millionaire”, he’s invested $350,000 into his own education and training. Whilst traveling to 100+ countries, Shaqir has built over 10+ million dollar brands and attracted over 500,000+ subscribers.

His signature program is now available at: specially designed for aspiring entrepreneurs wanting to start their online business with their very own high paying product.

Shaqir is also a highly sought-after speaker and direct response “Sales Funnels” global leader you can meet in person. His work has impacted over 100,000 businesses in 65 different countries. Connect with Shaqir on Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn & FB Group.

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