8 Productivity Hacks For Startup CEOs

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I’m sure that, at times, you wish there were some productivity hacks that would help you finish all the tasks in time. 

As a startup CEO, you’re bound to have a lot on your plate. You need to properly manage your team, attend meetings with business partners and investors, work on promoting your startup and getting new customers, figure out the company’s strategy… 

There are also a bunch of small daily tasks that you need to take care of. They often quickly pile up and take up more time than you actually have.

So, how do you avoid feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to get done? Is there a way to ensure that you remain productive and are taking the daily actions that help your business grow?

Here’s a list of 8 productivity hacks that will improve your productivity and help you stay on the right track:

Stay Focused

When there’s a ton of work ahead of you, it’s easy to feel like you’re losing the race against time.

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When you’re multitasking, it might feel like you’re getting more things done. However, you’re much more likely to make mistakes that can take hours to correct. If worse comes to worst, this can seriously harm your business.

Instead, you should determine which task is a priority, and stay 100% focused on completing it. An hour of focused work will yield better results than two, or even three hours of interrupted work.

Get Rid of All Distractions

This goes hand-in-hand with staying focused. If possible, eliminate all distractions that might take your mind off the task you’re trying to focus on.

It might not seem like a big deal, but constant interruptions will make you lose track of your thought process. In turn, you’ll actually waste a ton of time going through the same ideas over and over again.

So, put your phone either on silent or airplane mode. Log out of all social media accounts. Close all tabs that aren’t relevant to the task you’re trying to accomplish.

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Map Out The Tasks

If you don’t have a clear, comprehensive view of all the tasks that you need to complete, you’ll waste valuable time every single day, going over what needs to be done.

With a wide variety of task management tools available online, there’s really no reason keep everything in your head.

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Tools like Trello and Basecamp can quickly provide a detailed overview of all the tasks. Furthermore, you can also use them to delegate tasks to the person who will do it most efficiently. On top of that, with a single click you can easily keep track of the progress on each individual task.

Remember to inform everyone that you’ll be delegating tasks this way. Do your best to stick to a single platform to avoid confusion. Also, make sure to clearly define each role, and that every member of your team knows exactly what their role is.

For personal tasks, you can always add another layer and use post-it notes, Evernote, or even set reminders on your phone. This way, you’ll make sure that an important task never slips by and remains unfinished.

Learn How To Delegate

You’re bound to be better at completing certain tasks than others. Besides, when you actually enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll be much more productive.

If you feel like you’re wasting a ton of time on a certain task, or are just really bad at something, it’s best to delegate it to another person within your company.

Alternatively, for smaller projects that will likely take up a lot of time, you might want to consider outsourcing them.

There are a bunch of websites like Fiverr and Upwork and many others where you can hire freelancers who’ll be more than happy to do the work for you, sometimes for as little as $5/hr.  

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Don’t Procrastinate

Tasks usually appear a lot more difficult than they are in reality. Putting things off is one of the least productive things you can do.

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Once you start working on a task and put things into motion, your brain automatically goes into work mode. Then, it automatically becomes much easier to figure things out and get the job done.

So, the trick is simply to sit down and start working.

The best way to do this is by dividing large tasks into smaller chunks to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Starting out your day by completing one of the easier (simpler) tasks.

This will give you a sense of accomplishment, and motivate you to stay productive throughout the day.

Set A Specific Time For Checking Emails

Reading and sending out emails is one of those tasks that can take away several hours of your time, without you even realizing it. And the more emails you respond to, the more emails you’ll receive in turn.

I’m not saying you should ignore business emails altogether, but don’t let them distract you from more important tasks.

If you keep the tab with your email account open, you’ll be tempted to check the inbox every few minutes. This creates an unnecessary distraction that will lower your productivity by constantly being in the back of your mind.

Instead, set a specific time for checking out and responding to emails every day. Try your best to stick to that schedule.

Over time, it will become a habit, something you do instinctively, without thinking about it for the rest of the day.

Learn To Do Everything Yourself Before You Hire

In order for your business to grow, you have to ensure that every member of your team is contributing and doing productive work.

That’s why it’s necessary that you know the process of your startup inside-out. Before you decide to hire someone for a specific position, make sure you fully understand what their role and responsibilities are.

This will allow you to accurately determine when someone is pulling their own weight. You’ll also be quick to notice when someone is slacking off or not doing a very good job.

Also, a great way to boost the overall productivity of your business is by rewarding the members of your team who are consistently doing a great job.

It can be a day off, a raise, or even a simple praise in front of the entire team.

In any case, you need to at least know what each team member’s job is. It helps to have an idea of how much time it takes in general to complete a specific task. This will allow you to accurately measure their productivity.

Don’t Force Yourself Too Much

Taking an occasional break from work is completely fine. In fact, it’s recommended to take at least 30-minutes a day to clear your thoughts and regain energy.

If you feel that your productivity is dropping and you have trouble concentrating, take a 30-minute break to recharge your batteries.

Take a short walk, listen to your favorite music to boost your energy, or make a coffee.

Just make sure you stand up from your desk and move around to get your blood flowing and get a moment to refresh.  

Final Thoughts On Productivity

Boosting productivity doesn’t mean you have to put 10 – 12 hours in every day. There’s no reason to overwork yourself, cut down on sleep, and completely forget about your social life.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. In order to remain productive, you need to make time for the activities you enjoy. Remember to get a good night’s rest, eat healthy, and stay on the move.

As you have seen from this list, and I’m sure countless startup CEOs will confirm this in a heartbeat – being productive isn’t about putting in more time. Rather, it’s about efficiently using the time you have on the right tasks.

So, automate what you can, have a clear overview of all the tasks, set daily priorities, and do focused work.

If you adopt these habits, I’m confident your productivity will soar.

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About The Author

Your Millionaire Mentor
Shaqir Hussyin

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Shaqir Hussyin is the founder and CEO of WealthAcademy.com & Funnels.com. Nicknamed the “Backpack Millionaire”, he’s invested $350,000 into his own education and training. Whilst traveling to 100+ countries, Shaqir has built over 10+ million dollar brands and attracted over 500,000+ subscribers.

His signature program is now available: Max Income System; 14 Simple Steps To Making Your First Income Online.

Shaqir is also a highly sought-after speaker and direct response “Sales Funnels” global leader. Shaqir’s work has impacted over 100,000 businesses in 65 different countries. Connect with Shaqir on Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn & FB Group.

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